jelly filled gluten free doughnuts

jelly filled doughnuts

This is totally over the top, but when you are aching to bake and your oven is broken the 12 or so tedious steps it takes to makes these darling indulgent holes all seem worth the effort. Not only did we alternate a traditional fried yeast doughnut recipe to be gluten free, but we (my daughter and I) whipped up a fresh batch of raspberry jam from the summers frozen stash to lovingly hand pipe fresh filling into warm sugar drenched dough balls. oh my. So if you have all day to make something truly s[special, please by all means try out this recipe:_MG_0435

Here is the original recipe I started tweaking. I subbed the wheat flour for some of Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free flour mix. The dough rose really nicely but as there was no gluten to keep the dough bound it was hard to punch down. I also couldn’t work the dough at all. After the second proofing I portioned the dough with a 1 oz ice cream scoop and allowed those balls to proof a final time before a flash fry in hot grape seed oil, then a dredge in organic cane sugar.

Once the doughnuts were cooled we punched a little hole with a chop stick into each ball and piped in cooled set fresh jelly. Yum. These little lumps were sweet and insanely precious, and perfectly spectacular looking!


2 Responses to “jelly filled gluten free doughnuts”

  1. These were yummy!!!! Hey I understand you have some seasons of Dexter…..any chance we could borrow them sometime? Cindy


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