Archive for March, 2014

March 18, 2014

farm food fork

FarmFoodForkHi Folks, This post come with apologizes for my lag on theĀ  blogging front over the last couple months… I have been pouring every waking hour into building my regions local food shed, and have undertaken a huge food project! Which will roll out in just 2.5 short weeks! OMG! I hope this will be a valid absentee slip, and I promise right after this event I will be in the throws of wild harvested recipes and spring abundance again! I can already taste the morels and the nettles and the buckwheat shoots... Until then we are enjoying meaty dishes with frozen kale and pesto too, pickled and fermented goodness and never ending carrots and potatoes. My daughter has been cooking a lot and we have taken to “mystery box dinner challenges” and “pressures tests”, which she is acing! I’ll share those when I have a minute. Until then I am doing good work, and hope you’ll all be patient with me. You can check out what I have been up to here at

March 6, 2014

cauliflower ‘n cheese comfort

cauliflower and cheese

Mac and cheese is my ultimate comfort food, and it’s the first, and one of the only things my mom ever taught me how to make. Since going off wheat I have of course made this dish many times with various macaroni substitutes; quinoa noodles, corn noodles, rice noodles. But honestly, I think I have discovered the best GF noodle sub ever…. roasted cauliflower florets! Mmm. So much better than pasta. Dense, nutty almost with great body and texture, I am not sure I will go back to pasta after last nights diner!

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